Sunday--With Auntie Grace

7:13 PM, Monday, Nov. 23, 2009

So anyway, I decided to go Burwood with Auntie Grace, to look for a formal dress. My last shot :(

Mum and I decided to check out the Hurstville arcade though (because we were meant to meet Grace at Hurstie) but in the end it was closed :( So we checked out that shop next to Easyway you know? And I found this dress that LOOKED sort of like my perfect dress, but was cheaper material and shittier but only $60 so I settled for it.

We found Grace and we were like, look we found a dress! And she was like, oh great... (obviously think that it wasn't that great of a dress) but I saw some nice dresses up there so let's have a look~

And we did. After lot's of searching, we ACCIDENTALLY found another dress at hipster, which I've probably passed by tonnes of times, but never looked at properly. Grace was like, try this out~ and I was like fine~ And I tried it out and it didn't look that bad.

And I could actually wear it strapless, but it had straps with it anyway, and I liked the pattern (although it looks a bit like a tablecloth) and it was silver and I was like YESS!! AWESOME. And it was only $55 =D


It makes my legs look rather short though, because its curtain drapes at the bottom. Sort of like Shelley's actually. Hmmm...

Then afterwards, we decided I could go with Grace to her house to pick out a bag and some jewellery and some make up and what not. So yeah. Me and Grace shopped around for a bit, saw a couple of bags, she bought me some undies from Myer on sale and I was like o_O okay...

Then she got a call from Carson and we hopped over for lunch at Kagaya XD And then I found out they had reeled in this random dude from their church to eat lunch with us.

His name is Kelvin (LOLOL) and he's in year 12, like he's just done his HSC. His formal is the same day as ours XD and he goes to some local school near Irruburra or something-burra yeah. And he's short, and he's going/went to an International school in Hong Kong, and he can speak Canto and read Chinese, and he's into hospitality courses at Manly Uni or something.

And, I actually really wanted to have a little chat with him about HSC and the likes, and his subjects and all, but then he was sitting diagonally, and if I talk to him too much, my uncle/aunt might think I'm flirting/chatting him up because I barely talk to them at all. It's like you have to keep to your image of being quiet you know? =|

So I basically just nodded to everything he said, and smiled and transformed to shy, polite, nice, girly Eve =| Ergh so gay.

But anyway he's really nice, and the three of them invited me to youth group, which I want to go to try out and meet new people, but I guess I shouldn't because I'm not Christian or anything =___="

But he was very short. Like a head shorter than me :L And when he found out I was from Sydney Girls he was like WHOAAA smart kid D: Lol, which I find very weird because all asian guys I've encountered are 'smart' too.

Anyway after that, we drove to Grace's place, where she showed me her bags and I managed to pick out a clutch ;D and some jewellery which were nice and stuff, but looked expensive and a tad bit mature. Yeah, then she lent me Sophie's World which I'm guessing SHOULD be interesting, but just isn't written very interestingly.

Then I just ditched the book and watched XMEN: The Origins (Hugh Jackman XD) and ate Grace's home-made blueberry cheesecake =) She's really nice, and I guess she's this way because she's never had her own kids herself you know? Yeah.

Then I got driven home and this family friend from Beijing (the Michael guy's dad) came over to stay at our place. Damnit... What an awkward summer this is going to be. I don't even speak any Mando whatsoever, so when he asks me something, I unintentionally ignore him, or give him a blank face =="

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