Saturday--Piano Exam+Shopping

6:02 PM, Monday, Nov. 23, 2009

(On the train):
So, I'm sitting on this tin can, because my mum has no talent in picking trains, sweating away as we head towards Wynyard. We're not even changing trains at Central, we're going the long way because my mum is being a cautious dick.

I forgot to bring my iPod and only brought this (book I was writing in) as well as my notes, which I am dfinitely not bothered to study right now.

It's freaking 32 degrees C as the girls sitting behind me say, and I'm still bloody sick with a blocked nose and a sore throat.

I hate piano.

This morning, I woke up with this ginormous headache and rolled out of bed at 11. Ten minutes later of dreading, I was playing the piano, banging at the keys, practicing like there was no tomorrow. Which might actually become true.

I played for one freaking hour, my songs and my scales, probably the longest practice session I've had for weeks. Then I hate lunch, maccas, nectarines and drank my norming milk. I was stressing like shit, walking around the house in circles and lines going nowhere.

I kept thinking of all the excuses I could say, act out. Maybe, my coughing, sneezing and large amound of tissue use will make her pity me. Maybe she'll see me have a nosebleed on the piano and just let me pass. Maaybe I can walk into the door and faint and they'll just let my skip the whole exam. I fucking wish.

I was stressing so much then. But no, on the train, I think I've given up. Or maybe I've reached the stage where I just relax before I have a break down. Like the eye before the storm. Either way, I'm relaxing in this shitty train, watching my surroundings, eavesdropping on strangers, etc.

Oh and we think we saw Brennan Kearns AGAIN on the train station. We're not entirly sure though, because he looks very different from the distance, but he kept looking at us too so... just... maybe ;)


Anyway, we got off at Wynyard, saw this mum and son walking around everywhere. Found the place, and I saw Danielle! And I was like whoo~ someone I know! So we chatted for a bit and she was like yeah, she's on 3rd grade, hasn't opened her letter yet because of fear, and is waiting for mum to pick her up. Which turns out to the be lost woman (and her brother, the lost son) we saw walking around before. Lol.

Anyway, went up the place, and yeah. Most were asian, duh. There was a practice room, which is so cool, but like, gay, because I realize my scales are so shitty and I have to play them in front of others (because it's shared.)

Saw this really cute boy who's about Eatrend's age with his mum and sister. I think they're Korean or some other asian ethnicity besides Chinese :D

Eatrend went up first (we got the same examiner) and I went after. My exam summary:
1. I stuffed up every scale except chromatic (ergh it was the nerves!)
2. Far More Blue was shatted. I broke down halfway through the song.
3. My other songs weren't at their best.
4. Sight reading I stuffed up like shit.
5. General knowledge was okay at the start (because I memorized everything) but then she asked me more about the classical period AND I DIDN'T GET GIVEN INFO ON THAT so I made stuff up =D

And in the end I came out with a dead face, thinking I'd failed. Who wouldn't think that after an exam like that??

So we walked out in silence, as I left the envelope closed. Eatrend failed apparently, and mum was super pissed. She threatened at me to open mine. Which I did, away from other eyes.

Grade: C

My reaction: SO SO SO SO SO SO SO RELIEVED. LIKE RELIEVED LIKE SHIT. OMFG I WAS SO HAPPY I WAS LIKE YAYYYYY!!!!!! I don't even care if it's the lowest mark you can get, at least I passed you know? Which was a major problem for me.

I think mum felt slightly better then too when I told her. My comments are worse than Eatrend's so it's a little weird. He acts like he doesn't care, which he probably doesn't, but I know a little part of him wishes I had failed with him, and he's a little disappointed. But he's like me: it's not something he wanted, so it doesn't matter.

So then, it was formal dress shopping time! We walked all the way from Wynyard to Market City (stupid mum) and only ONE thing caught our eyes.

It was from this asian korean clothes shop, that we rather randomly stumbled upon around a corner. She forced me in and I saw this Jap family shopping around, and I saw this really, really, really nice formal dress. It was like korean formal, pretty normal asian delicate style, but super nice.

I loved it to bits. It was cream, with black chiffon with crisscross threads and little sparkly sequins or something. They matched my shoes perfectly. And it had padding, and elastic, and STRAPS, and it looked SOOOOO good on me. It was like my perfect dress, if a little tad bit asian and formal. Maybe not as a year 10 formal dress, but more like my dream dream dress =D

And it was $379. We were shocked shit. But my mum and I actually almost considered buying it. It was that nice. It would have been worth it too, it was that nice. But I forced mum out of there and told her to look around, my head ruling over my heart's sinful desires =(

So anyway, yeah, then I bought a white ladybug asiany tote bag that looks like Jaya's a bit except its white. And it was TEN BUCKS which is awesome ;D Then we went to market city and ate at the food court and then we caught the train home =)

I shortened that last couple of hours, because I cbf, but yeah, one very funny thing: in the morning on the train station, we saw this asian guy, with white chucks, a pink shirt, spiky asian dyed hair, tb shorts, and country road bag. And then, when we arrived at Revesby on the way home at like 8:30pm, WE SAW THE EXACT SAME GUY GETTING OFF TOO!


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