1:00 PM, Saturday, Oct. 17, 2009

Like omg, since after piano lesson last Wednesday, dad disconnected the internet so no internet until like this Wednesday. Yeah. Total chaos but I totally expected it.

I'm not going to write about sleepover because I cbf. All you need to know is that I won't be hosting another sleepover in a while. I'm not going to write about what got my dad so pissed about piano. It's self-explanatory enough. And I cbf.

So anyway, while being banned though, it was AWESOME. Like, because it was the holidays, I had so much free time to do the stuff that I've been meaning to do for ages. I've actually started my seven days thing which there will be more mentioned later. And I like, played ping pong with Eatrend and other stuff which I can't remember now.

Oh yeah, play with the rabbits. Mercedes (white one) is one hell of a bag of trouble. But Mitsubishi is so cute XD

Anyway, it was so refreshing to have all that extra time and not be on the comp so much. And you know, time passes by WAY too fast when I'm on the comp. Though I'm back now and ready to re-ruin my life again. xD

Missed my manga though.

And just went on msn and talked with Pim last night after like a week and dude, I totally missed it =)

Well on Tuesday of this week I went to Market City with Jaya, Phoebe, JoT, Cels and JoP. Excuse to parents: get work experience forms signed. Which wasn't a lie btw. I'm at Huetopia which is like pretty cute. It's tiny, in the Dymox building but looks EXTREMELY professional.

Anyway, so the night before right? JoT called me on her mobile and we talked for like half an hour and woah I know, what about her credit? But yeah she was in this dilemma of going iceskating with douche and co. or going market city.

Half way through the call though, Jaya called my home phone, and I was like talking to both and the freaking same time on both ears. LOLOLOL. Fun. She was checking if I was going or not. Yeah I told her I'd come at 1 ish because I wanted to skip yutaka lunch, which was a jap buffet (but $14 man!).

Well yeah, then later JoT called my home phone and we talked til like 11:30pm until parents got pissed. That is like the longest phone call I've ever had with someone. Dude it felt awesome. And strangely enough, we didn't run out of stuff to say? And I guess I wasn't worrying because it was on HER phone bill.

Like with Pim, we'd be like, ok finished talking what we wanted to talk about? End call to save money. Rest on msn. Lol.

Anyway so we ended up changing our minds during the call. We go normal time, she dogs iceskating and we ditch yutaka for maccas coz we're cheap. Lol. Which we did end up doing XD

Anyway, at market city I found skinny jeans at JayJays for $15. XD But then we looked into Dotti and they had $10 sale straight jeans and they were fine. Not skinny, but better than the rest of my jeans you know? And if I had calves they would look skinny but w/e. SO HAPPY. Me and Joannas all bought a pair. ORIGINALLY 60 BUCKS MAN! =DDDD

Then me and JoT roamed around hungry jacks and SES and market city again and yeah, it was like me and JoT deep talk. Then it was like find them in Myer. Which we did. Then me and Jaya got work experience forms signed. We couldn't find them in Myer for ages, so it was like Jaya and me deep talk.

And then me and Jaya ditched the rest to go home early coz our parents are like that. Nice day altogether though. I'm glad I actually bought something. And there are actually alot of cheap stores around everywhere ^^

Fun. Wanna go bondi some time too. For the cheap street.

And apparently ice skating was a dudd. So yeah. Worth ditching JoT ;D

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