I hate PMS

4:37 PM, Sunday, Sept. 06, 2009

I mean, it feels like I'm involuntarily peeing in my pants.

It's okay, when I'm wearing a new pad, but after a while I feel like its going to overflow and run down my leg or something.

And it's so freaking heavy, and dude, how long is this going to last??

Thank god for my awesome china pads, but they are running out soon. Sigh. I hate using so much, but you know, I have to...

It's fucking gross too, especially when like, a drop accidentally drops on my clothes or something.

I'm sorry to gross you out, but it's been on my mind for a while and I really need to vent. And I know its been years since its first started, but a girl's gotta complain sometime yeah?

I hate this. Downsides of being a girl.

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