You know I looooooove you~

7:05 PM, Saturday, Sept. 05, 2009

Recently obsessed with heels after yesterday and today.

I want a pair so bad.

I'm such a Ximia now.

But still, they are soooooo awesome.

I want a nice party pair, so not a formal one, but maybe a shiny sparkly one? Maybe. And then black is classic although other colours have yet to grow on me.


I want a pair of beautiful sexy cheap heels.

Then I shall look hot. ^^

My dream heels await me somewhere, as does the day I shall wear them and strut around like I'm the shit.

I hope this day comes soon.

P.S. Bought that $4 dress from Tightrope in blue style XD I'm so happy, not really because it looks super awesome, but because I bought something cheap and nice-looking and i found it ON MY OWN! :)

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