Hip Parents

9:23 PM, Monday, Sept. 07, 2009

I take back what I said in previous entry. Well, kinda I guess.

I found out my mum's periods have stopped. For a while now and she's only 46 (I think). I finally get why I never notice when she gets her monthly stuff.

I don't know, should I say she's lucky? I feel somewhat sad for her actually. Not that I like it when it comes around, but I guess its sign of being a woman?

So when it goes, it's like your period of young womanness is gone? Yeah.

I start crying whenever I think of my parents youth going to waste. My dad sacrificed a stable job, income, social life to go to Australia, and now look where he is. Stuck in some shitty job that he hates, just so he can pay the mortgage.

My parents used to be so hip and happy and they used to go everywhere, and they were so bothered. Now, its just like, well I don't know what they're really thinking, but I think they think that they can't be bothered. Like, they've already given up on trying, and they're accepting this crashing wave of aging without a fight.

My parents keep annoying me about wasting my youth away, but what about them? You're only old when you believe you are. You can be as young as you want, if you really want to be.

Youth isn't something that can be kept down by physical obstacles, it's something like a fire inside that you have to keep feeding because from the day you were born, there were and always will be something trying to put it out.

I know I don't have a good way with words but you get what I mean yeah?

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