Legacy day

5:17 PM, Friday, Sept. 04, 2009

Interesting? Not really. Not as fun as red cross or Jeans for Genes Day. Partnered with Ticky. Was okay in the morning. Ticky did most of the shouting. Coz I was too chicken to get rejected. Slowly got into it though. Although I still wasn't bothered to say as much.

Interesting things:
Asian survey lady asked us for a survey. For HS students yeah? She was super weird. It was about tutoring and stuff. And she did both of us and she talked way too much about herself, about eveyrone else it was so weird and freaky. She asked for our names, and damn I gave her my real name (but i did have a nametag) but I lived in Bankstown. Ticky was 'Sarah' and lived in Kingsford.

Then we were talking with Gaori's group and turns out they were caught by her too. Lolness. It's funny when we look at it now, but at that moment, we were like OMG hurry up, we have stuff to sell you know?

Not that the stuff sells. Barely made a hundred. Psht.

Oh and a total of five people asked us for directions. Or was it six? Most were for chinatown and paddy's, although there was one at a library and something else. Funny. I think I liked taking directions more than selling.

Anyway, after the tiresome shit, (though there was free food and stuff), we went to Hurstville to buy heels! XD


Modern shoes is awesome. $5 shoes which were like wow. If I had money I would buy them all. But no, I had to pick carefully. My favourite pair were these pair of gold court heels. So beautiful, and I told Pim like several times. And then Joanna goes, oh try these, and suddenly we're all obsessed with them. THey are so pretty. But expensive. 27.50 at half price. If only they were like, 12.50 cheaper. =(

They kinda subtly kicked us out. I think they thought we were oging to trash the place. Like, me, Pim, Jaya, JoT and Ticky were there. Stupid bitches. We put everything back anyway, and we bought stuff too. Fucking hell.

Anyway, managed to catch train back and catch the late train at sydenham by 1min which is pure awesomeness. I like to end the day with watching the sun from the train and being surrounded by the presence of my NSB crew. Haha.

I'm so weird I know, but it makes me feel good.

And I love walking home on warm afternoons with my iPod, dancing when I think no one's looking.

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