
9:49 PM, Thursday, Sept. 03, 2009

Oh my gosh, did I mention this at all diary? If I have, I will have to mention it again, although I don't remember mentioning it. My diary seriously needs a search function.

So we went to the doctors a white ago, like Revesby family clinic place yeah? So I went there after I got off at the station and dad and Eatrend were already there. We were there for the eczema yeah?

So when I went up to the counter though, behind it I saw Brennan Kearns. I know right? Duuuude! The guy from primary! The goody goody one. The shy-ish one. Saw him working there, or maybe he was studying?.

Now, he looked my way, and he overheard my name on the medicare system thing so I think he recognised me. I mean, I haven't changed that much yeah? Eatrend said he was just watching the TV behind me though. And it was like, whoa. I want a job there too.

Nidhi talked to me that day I think, and she told me he was in the same group as Brad and Adam and stuff. The 'cool' group apparently. I find that funny. And I knew they were going to talk about me, since I've talked with Adam. A little self-consciousy but I feel awesome all the same.

I swear I've written this somewhere before but whatever.

And then today, just today, like what, weeks afterwords? Brennan and Brad said something random to me on msn. I don't even have his fucking email. What the hell. But at least now I definitely know he did recognise me. And now Brad probably knows who I am now. Lol.

Point is, I want to leave an impression. I have changed you know. I love the feel of power and I guess I'm a totally different person when I'm in my own suburb. It is my own. And I don't have anyone from school near me. I can be whoever I want. It's pure awesomeness.

I never want to live in an asian suburb like Hurstville or Strathfield. Here is just perfect.

Newly inspired, I will try for work experience at the family clinic. And subtly reject Tower Street if I make it in. I've already made the first call.

I have the power! =D

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