Got a new haircut. Liked old one better but its ok.

3:38 PM, Friday, Jul. 17, 2009

So me and Ticky have been planning this blog as like a photoblog, and it kinda turned out like, we have a theme each week and we take photos for it and we put the best three up and yeah. Hopefully, it'll look awesome.

Ticky's got a blog now, and so does Pim, even though I swear I wanted to get one first. Out of us three. Looking at their early stages of their pages (rhyming lol) I feel really jealous of blogspot and how pretty it is and how many funcitons you get and stuff. Ticky's got one at some asain place called fc2 and it's got even more cooler functions than blogspot.

Yeah, sure I have this blog, but I feel like its all more of a diary than a blog. And then I considered for SO long, that I wanted to get a new blog a while back, but then in the end I decided not to because I didn't want to start anew.

Yeah, in the end I couldn't abandon this lovely diary of mine, whether its a blog or not, despite being shat ugly (even though only I see it) and being filled with some of the randomest entries of nothing, like anime, pmsing, and other very boring diary-like stuff that I should've refrained from blogging about.

But it's all good. All of it.

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