Past 11pm one night when we were meant to be sleeping

10:35 PM, Monday, Jul. 13, 2009

Why I love my brother so.

Eatrend: "Would you rather... die in space, or drown in cold, icy water and have your nails and toenails slowly ripped off?"

Eve: "Hmmm... how do you die in space?"

Eatrend: "Like, in space where you die because there's no oxygen."

Eve: "Like, suffocate to death?"

Eatrend: "Yeah, and when you die you just float around because there's no gravity you know?"

Eve: "Yeah..."

Eatrend: "So..?"

Eve: "I'd choose B."

Eatrend: "Oh, really?"

Eve: "Yeah. What about you?"

Eatrend: "B of course!"

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