Sleeping over at Amanda's

6:23 PM, Saturday, Jul. 18, 2009

To describe the things that happened?

Mahjong, sharing matresses, sleeping at 4am, talking until throats were dry in the morning, watching movies and bouncy jumping.

I love her house. It's very modern. Big. White. Clean. I think we dirtied it/messed it up a whole lot though...

I love mahjong. Oh. So. Much.

Before Lauren arrived, the three of us, Amanda, Joanna and me went to Woolies to shop for some food. Junk food. Her mum gave us $50 to spend and we picked out all the sales, and stuff and chose all this crap. At the register we were so afraid the price would go over $50. We ended with $49.71. Haha, that's called budget shopping. The counter chick smiled amused at us.

Then mahjong, mahjong, mahjong until Lauren said no and we went to the video store to rent the Sisterhood of the TRavelling Pants 2. It was ok movie, the first one was better though. Whatever.

We talked aobut Joanna's X, Y, Z. I learnt of some other guys like Scary guy, Alex, John, dancing guy. I know right, so many.

In the end we didn't have to sleep on the sleeping bags, they just brought out two mattresses (which were two different levels of thickness) and put them together and we all shared it. And they were single beds. So, four people, on a queens bed. LOL.

I think we watched TSOTTP2 and I, Robot. And then it was just try get some sleep. Amanda was oging to pull an all nighter yeah, or something, but in the end she didn't. From the couch, it was Lauren (who went to sleep first), then Amanda (who could've slept on the couch but didn't and took our space =="), Joanna, who either fell on Amanda or me, and then me, at the very end. I swear the blankets kept falling off and I had to keep moving them up again.

Anyway, so trying to sleep, Jo told me all about all these guys, and all these really cute stories. And it felt like a nice sleepover, where everyone's close to each other, like, physically. lol.

It was nice. We finally slept and woke up with her dad yelling at us to wake up at 10am. I swear though, I heard her parents washing the dishes like BANG BANG BANG BANG and I was like, SHUT UP! but nobody seemed to wake so I jsut tried to ignore it.

THen we woke up and stayed there for ages before eating breakfast which was m&m's and crackers and dip. We played the I Have Never game with milk, milo, milk tea, and milk with tea. Lol.

Then after, we decided to watch Shaolin Soccer with Stephan Chow and yeah. We all already watched it but it IS hella funny.

And all that food? We barely ate any at all. Lol. So bloody thirsty and sweet and sugary and stuff and man full stuff. Amanda ate SO much. Gargh.

Joanna left early like she had to, so the three of us finished the movie and went out in the backyard to take pictures and jump all over the grass and over the railing. Awesome stuff and so much fun, but it was really awkward for me and them two. Wish Jo were there too.

AND THEN it was like, we had a freaking photoshoot on like a fashion show or something. And we wore like Amanda's clothes and we were fully like posing and shit. ERGH. I felt so awkward. I do not pose. But you know, I did try. I am the most self-conscious person you would ever meet like ever. And seriously I looked shit in all her clothes, coz I'm way too flat and I wear a singlet under everything and shit. Grr.

I hated it so much, because I knew I SUCKED at posing and ergh I hate it how they're going to post it on facebook and yeah, just let everyone see me all fucked up with fucked up things that I don't want other people to see.

Called mum to get dad to pick me up and that just lead to a whole other argument with my dad again which is also fucked up. The thing couldn't get any more screwed.

Did we grow closer? I doubt it. The only thing I learnt, was that Amanda didn't have it as good as I thought she did. Her parents are just as annoying as mine. Especially her mum, who full on lectures her in front of her friends about being irresponsible and shitated. And she argues back and I feel so sorry she has to put up with this crap all the time. I guess, it's never as perfect as it seems. No such thing as perfect.

I feel really sad how we were so happy on the mattresses and we did so much and yet we probably won't be any closer than we already are.

All in all, we want to do another sleepover the next holidays, or another time when we're all free. Maybe i'll even suggest two nights instead of one ;D

And in the end, we didn't learn the thriller dance or soulja boy. Lol.

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