Caps is cool

7:17 PM, Sunday, May. 31, 2009

Cel's tea party, which didn't end up being a tea party, but a Capitol slash arcade party.

Waited like, 1hr for Feiya and stuff at CEntral. Damnit. FUnny stuff that happened, I fully did NOT see Sandra when she arrived. And I didn't see Karen either, but Karen didn't see ME like twice. She thought I was just some asian chick O: recognised Ticky though, and Feiya. Lol.

Went to caps, and boy, awesomeness, finally, my second time there! xD Cel's gave us ALL the money, and damn I feel bad but I didn't spend a single cent on anything today, except for the train ticket.

Then, we went restaurant for lunch for Japanese food. Nice stuff. Free too. It was like a black plate that was super super super hot and they put rice and raw beef on it, and then you mix it yourself and it cooks xD Awesomeness man. And it wasn't like a puny meal it was filling =] Green tea icecream afterwords, which was a bit of a rip off =

Then, we went arcade place, where the worker there was a really cute guy =] Cels caught alot of cute stuff, and Ticky caught one too. I played some basketball hoops, which was JoT's favourite game. Lol. Not surprising. I think the hoops were worth it the most, because it was $1 a game, while joystick games where like $1 a go. Oh, well, at caps it was like $5 a go.

We went back to caps and then took one more picture and yeah XD I'm so happy. We then went to Paddy's to look for cheap clothes, but you know it was already almost five then, and I was meant to be home by then so mum called me and sent me home. =

Most of the day, listening to ND. xD My iPod keeps freezing after I put it on repeat for like, half an hour though...

People going = me, Joanna, Ticky, Sandra, Karen, Cels, Feiya, Juliette, Fei, Jenny, Anna (last three wore dresses xD JENNY=LOL).


I hate it how I was embarrassed about hanging around them, because we looked so "un-cool".

I hate it how I feel paranoid with them when we're surrounded by fashionable asians and whites in the city.

I hate it how I hate it when asian groups that gang together think they're cool, but we were doing it, and everyone else thought it was cool, but I didn't.

I hate it how I wanted to walk around with cool people in cool clothes when I never really belonged with them.

I hate it how I want to be cool, when I can't.

I hate it how I have such childish clothing, when all I want is to look older, because I do look older now.

I hate it how we passed by a group of asian people, who were definitely younger than us, but they were wearing much more fashionable asian clothing that was way too old for them.

I hate it how even in my group, I still don't have enough mature clothes.

I hate it how I depend on clothes and image so much.

I hate it how I think I look best in my school uniform.

I hate it how this world is obsessed with appearance, and I've joined them too.

I hate it how I judge people because of their clothes, when I barely have any nice clothes either.

I hate it how I love the city because of its mulitcultralism, and asianness, and richness, and business, but whenever I'm actually in it (without my school uniform) I always hate being there, mainly because I never match up to the standards.

I hate it how I feel all this, this way.

I hate it how I'm so shallow.

I hate it, so much.

It makes me wonder what I really want. No, it makes me wonder why I want something, pine for something, that I could get if I tried, but since I don't, then I don't deserve getting it, and yet I still want it.

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