Bumper Cars and Rollercoasters

9:36 PM, Thursday, Apr. 23, 2009

Went to Luna Park for the first time in my ENTIRE life. I WILL remember this day.

Went with twins, Joanna, Ticky, Cels, Maddy and Katrine (twins invited her. but oh well, at least we don't look FULLY asianised group with her around lol) after much organization by me. Everyone else dropped out except for Phoebe who didn't answer me at all =

Well, lots and LOTS of spinny rides which I have learnt that i HATE like hell. I hate things that make me dizzy and are not enjoyable. Like, some rides were pretty breezy and nice-feeling even though they made me drunk-walk-alike afterwords, I wouldn't have minded going on the again. But seriously, hardcore spinning stuff = not good for Eve's head. Meh.

Seriously, right now, I've got this massive migraine (what an awesome word I've always wanted to use xD) and the only reason I'm on the comp still is because I'm high from luna park/nighttime traveling. It's kind of like, I guess, being drunk and getting headaches, but it makes you feel good, only on a smaller scale. however, I wouldn't know since I'm a good underaged girl who doesn't drink. (Seriously, last time I tasted beer I was like ew. bitter. Ew. But I really want to try Baileys - diluted style xD)

Why didn't I end up going with the Jale group? Because Lauren couldn't make it, which sucked. However, I must say, that if we went with Lauren and Amanda, we probably wouldn't have had this much fun xD You know how Lauren's so delicate and all, NO OFFENCE.

Okay, so even though Eve dislikes spinny stuff, Eve LOVES rollercoasters xDD Although, Luna Park sucks and only has one short mini-rollercoaster called the "Wild Mouse" or something, but that was pretty fun too. But I found I'm still not the screamy type, despite going with friends =| I went with Tiffany and she full on was like... AHHHHHHHH in the bumpy bits, but I was like, fully forcing myself kinda like, "EEEEK!" and yeah. =|

Still, rollercoasters are awesome. I love adrenaline. Spinning and dizziness is not adrenaline-pumping things. They are headache-causing things. Hmph.

Other things include, pretty, vintage-looking Ferris wheel, which we didn't have time for =| More spinning things. Lunch OUTSIDE of the park because we were too cheap. I spent $2.25 altogether. Why? Because Eve is still SUCH a pushover when around Joanna. And she wanted rip-off chicken nuggets and we split it. I could have gotten four pretty large SASHIMI SUSHI for four bucks T___T Thank god I wasn't that hungry even though it was like so tiny and we ate at like, 3 o'clock...

Anyway, took some pictures, although I'm such a crappy photographer, I have no idea whatsoever what to take. Even if I take random ones, I delete them because I hate crappy pics. =|

Eve also loves BUMPER CARS. xDDD HELL YEAH, man, I was raving on about them all day, and it was the last thing we went on and we spent half an hour waiting but bumper cars are <3 I rocked at driving BUT when people started bumping into me, I had such a fucked time driving straight again. The damn steering wheel works like a bitch. Oh well, Eve will remember and be prepared for next time >=]

There was this random jock-ish guy who rammed into me ON PURPOSE. I swear, I saw that evil glint in his eye as he saw me driving safely alone. Then I tried ramming into him (because Eve is not a little girl who's afraid of whitees anymore), which I did, and then it became a battle against who could go back on track first. Obviously, I lost, and he drove off, laughing his butt off. Bitch. But seriously, that was cool; if I had whitee friends that were pro and stuff =]

I swear whitees are so cool. But I am so afraid of them. Why? This damn asianised school in the damn asianised city which makes me feel paranoid when I see TOO MANY WHITE PEOPLE, because I'm so used to asians. Sigh. I'm so socially screwed man. >>"

Anyway, not my problem, guess how late Eve stayed out? I was meant to leave at about four to four thirty ish, but I called mum and she let me stay 'til five-thirty ish. BUT, waiting for bumper cars took half and hour so I left at like, six tennish LOL. At Milson's Point (the station is on the Harbour Bridge :O How awesome is that)

Didn't use coupons today, BUT it was only $30 for all-ride ticket because its April =]

Kinda forced myself to write about this, it just doesn't flow like my other stuff does, you know? =|

Oh well, might add photoshopped piccys later~


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