Hey Deary...

8:12 PM, Tuesday, Apr. 07, 2009

I write about crap stuff in no full sentences. I"m just not bothered you know? yeah.

Joanna said she WRITES diaries during vacations. (Remember my failed three-page attempt at Perth? Yeah.) She said, last time at a four-day snowy trip she wrote like 43 pages. What. The. Eff.

Where does she find the time to do that? Or write detaily? Omg.

I never knew.


Sometimes when I say something like:
I'm so vain.
I'm so gay.
I'm so selfish.

...in super exaggerated form.

This is the main reason why I think I do this excessively.

1. So I can get it into my head. So that if I repeat it enough, I'll convince myself that I really am.

2. Why? Because I want to sound freaking humble and modest and etc. Shit. See I'm so humble wannabe. Shit.

3. Also, so I won't get hurt as easily. I'm so afraid that people will call me these things now. They will tell me things that I was unaware of, things that only someone BESIDES me can see.

And I want to be ready for those types of comments, whenever they might/will happen.

So I can answer back cooly, "Yeah, duh, I already knew that, so what?"

Like I don't care.

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