100% Perfect Girl

11:39 AM, Saturday, Mar. 21, 2009

So lately, my favourite soompi story is "The Pursuit of Happiness." Subtitle: J is looking for J. Link: TPOH

Yeah I know there's a movie called that with Will Smith in it, and the author of it knows it too. That was one of the reasons why I didn't want to read it. But eventually, I did.

And dude, it's like the awesomest story ever. Seriously. Oh my gosh. *Dies*

*comes back to life*

So yeah, the author said something about, it coming from a manhwa called 100% Perfect Girl which came from a story called 100% Perfect Girl by Haruki Murakami. Yeah that very famous Japanese author that even I've heard of. xD

Here's a link to the story:
On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning
It's really sad and short and OMG so sad T__T and fully about true love and stuff and I think I understand it and I totally believe in it now =]

I'm reading the Manhwa. The "J is looking for J" is from the manhwa. Whatever. I still like the mini story better. Original always rocks.

And The Pursuit of Happiness is way better than the manhwa. No offence. Just that the manhwa is a bit cliche and stuff and TPOH is way more... realistic and stuff ^^

Anyway just thought I oughta link those. =]

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