
8:55 PM, Monday, Jun. 30, 2008

Looking back on other entries. They're funny. Now i'm just in a rush to write everything down. Damn. Where did my sense of excited entry writing go?


You know why i don't say that to anyone i know much anymore?

Ximia said she hates it when people say that. Last year I think it was. Ever since, I'm cautious. Don't even remember why.

so played soccer for PE last week.

I like soccer. Not like Pim. not like Shelley. Idk. I think it was in year five, when I tried for the team and actually made it, coz i was this cool back. Every since, I've been playing back, if i could choose.

I guess its coz its like the only sport i'm actually ok at.

And you know why? Coz, its not as easy for average people, like catching a ball and passing it or anything. You use your feet. So the average skills is so degraded. My tiny tiny tiny skills actually pass it xD kinda. At least, i think it did last PE. Lol. I'm so modest.

Its better than basketball at least.

Why? Well, i'm not actually that bad at basketball. When i'm on a team of three along with Ticky and Nancy, my random leadership or whatever skills pop up. Coz we all suck. So then I start playing good. Or at least, better than normal.

That's how i work. If theres no-one to lead, I lead. If there is, I won't give a damn. See how selfish I am. But whatever. I bet tonnes of other people do it to.

Anyway yeah, so i'm doing soccer next term for sport.

This term i did walking. More like RUnning. Gosh. Along with Tanya and the twins. Maddy was here but she went to China. Lisa and Joannas too, but their usually not as fast.

Its good, talking. I'm pretty unfit though, compared to us Tanya group. But whatever. I blame that on my lack of swimming the recent years. Its true.

So especially these last three weeks. Been talking to Sandra. YOu know, she has this coolest family scandal about her youngest aunt scamming the rest of her family. Told dad. He says he doesn't think thats the whole story. Sigh.

Anyway, for Pd today, we had to do a play on an STI. ACtually we had to it last week but i didnt print it then. REwrote it anyway after seeing a couple of others.

Its pretty funny, if i do say so myslef xD I wrote it after all. how biased. But yeah, it was ok. I hope we got a good mark for it though, coz i was in charge of it -______- thats the price of not doing any actual written work. Lol.

...you guessesd it. next entry ------>>

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