9:05 PM, Sunday, May. 25, 2008

okay so i'm posting again coz i went through Joanna's diary.

Yeah we're okay now.




Yeah right.

No, we're still *oh shes in this room? i'll just leave now...*


It's been going for...hmm..I dunno.. almost two freaking years?

Yeah and I still don't know why.

Originally, i thought, well she started it (she really did this time, i'm not making this up), so its her idea and like she said to me before in some way or another: 'If you got any problems, just say it out loud.' Yeah. Look who's the hypocrite now.

Anyway so yeah. I was gonna do the same and stick out the cold shoulder and wait til she figured she had gotten over whatever to tell it to my face.

Yeah, not working.

So she's become even more pissed aorund me, to the point of leaving the basketball team coz i'm in it =="

Especially now that she's in my English classes, which means: English, Science, Pd and Geo and she's also in my maths class.

Meh. You'd htink she's gotten whatever she's pissed at by now. Psht.

Anyway, so yeah, checked her diary.

Like, she can read this when she gets over it. I think her diary is SO entertaining. Like those diaries that are just SO sarcastic and funny. Like those that have lives that would make interesting movies. Yeah haven't said that since... year7? So yeah, and its better than the other random ones i pick from the side bar, coz i actuallly know whats hapening

So yeah, she updated with marks:
Maths: 86
English: 36 (SHE GOT EFFIN 20 FOR THE ESSAY LIKE JAYA >=OOO) [i got 32 bts ==" 16 for each)
Geo: 61 (like Lisa) (64 for me)
Science prac: 21/25 (LIKE ME)
Science SRP: 54/60 (LIKE ME AGAIN)

The only why I'm comparing us. Just to show that we got the exact same science mark. SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK ^ ^'''''

Why am I even putting her marks up here?

I dunno.

I'm weird and stalkish and obsessive and just plain weird. But whatever. Can you explain the works of a human mind? Yeah exactly.

So yeah. Hilarious diary entries.


I've been saying yeah too much. Ha. But whatever.

Later Diary. Yeah thats still your name. Hmm... maybe we should try LT for you know... 'little tree'. Ha. Not even into that. PSht but whatever.

Later LT.

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