One More Life Goal

8:38 PM, Saturday, May. 24, 2008

I want to publish a book in my teens.

oh so you know how i have this phase of obsessions every now and then.

Yeah well last weekend, I had this obsession on publishing books.

Obviously influences by SOnya Hartnett. SIgh. Yeah, she had a real big impact.

SO yeah, I was like searching the net on how to get a book published.

Turns out, the big publishing companies, e.g. Penguin and HarperCollins or whatever, rarely publish unsolicited manuscripts, in other words, unasked for stories.

So you have to go to those not-so-famous companies, e.g. my now currently personal favourite, Allen&Unwin, or something like that. Yeah, depending on what type of book you're doing, they might and mayn't publsih it. This year, Allen and Unwin are not accepting children books. Go figure.

But the site was so COOL man. It had like, tips on writing and publishing. And yeah. Nice. That's why I want this company to publish my book if I ever finish one.

Yeah not write. FINish.

SO yeah. THere's my obsession. Its toned down and few hundred notches, but its still one of my goals. Ha. I want to write one about...back back in the old days...yeah, you're right, like THursday's CHild. Maybe in time I"ll have original ideas xD

haha. no. here's my actual idea:

Girl in outback lives with kinda wise parents and little brother in farm. THen something happens and the girl's all alone with her brother (preferably a natural disaster happens). Travels the world with brother. Meets boy (duh, lol) who has the mental disease where you have to sleep more than a normal person, and he becomes part of their journey too. As in, companion. SOMething more? Who knows. Decide on that later.
Yeah and so about girl: thinks school is a waste of shitting time. More interested in how to wash dishes, stuff on the world thats useful. It is that time after all. Has this goal, dream, whatever, and that is to take over the world. Or world domination or however you call it. SOmething like that. THis is her journey to fufill a very very very distant dream =)
she fails duh. But yeah, maybe she achieves, country domination..?

Yeah weird huh? I like it. If you must know, I also have this very very very very very very weird, highly unlikely and impossible dream of world domination. =) I'm strange. But who knows. I just want to be... unforgotten in the world, if you must know. SIgh. I know. POintless dream, if i'm only gonna be a psychiatrist when i grow up.

Yeah, added onto my list, is psychiatry. Its weird. But i like it. I never really like psychiatrists, i think they're a load of bull, but you'd be suprised how many people actually use them. Yeah, money is important here.

And i enjoy it. Kindof. We talking about psycology in history with brennan duh. INteresting.

Very intersting.

Oh and you know how Tanya likes stories about war? i like stories about history. Found that out very recently, i think. TOld her, and she agreed. Ha. I like her. I'm a girl by the way Diary.

Yeah still haven't found a name for you yet.

But whatever, getting off track once again. Was here to say I want to publish a book one day. preferrably before i turn twenty.

Yeah. Impossible dream with my laziness.

Oh well. Dreaming big is not illegal.

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