They came over

8:51 p.m., 2006-11-05

Frances and Louise (cousins - their mum is my dad's sister) came over. Actually it was Frances and Archie first. Louise had to do the PE dance thing. She came later. Louise goes to SGHS too - 7R.

Played Neopets on computer. Frances thought of the idea. Really awkward. We're not really close. We have to take some time together for a while before we become comfortable.

Louise is more easier to talk to. I've observed, Frances is like elegant and sporty and perfect. She talks when she needs to. Louise is more comfortable. She talks more like a talkative adult with all those hand gestures and all.

Frances is in year 8 and Louise is in year 7. I think I've said that before but I'll say it again anyway.

Nts: this is the same layout as my old diary.


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