Random stuff

9:36 p.m., 2007-02-12

Ximia's family is weird and tighter than mine:
They reuse yoghurt tubs for pots
They eat one month expired food and say its okay just coz its been in the fridge.
They buy cheap stuff even though they might not use it till its meh
Her brother and dad pee in milk bottles to use as fertilizer one month later. Ew.

Oh yeah and she passed homework checking by pretending past exercises were the real one. Make sense. She changed 5:02 (class work) into 5:03 (homework). The teacher only checks the freaking heading. Heh.


This is how Amanda's mind works. Part of it anyway. No offence if you read this - dont take it seriously:
*****1. Talk alot especially about oneself and oneself's opinions and oneself's high achievements, like the violin,, especially when there is nothing to talk about. If person looks bored, they are actually listening so keep talking.
*****2. If you have something better than one person then compliment them alot on that thing. Wait for compliments on your own and try , emphasize TRY, to be extremely modest. If you do not have anything better then critisize as much as possible.
*****3. Study. Do homework. Check homework again. Re-write homework in neater form. If not neat enough restart. Remember to rub in faces modestly (though it doesnt work) at school. Meanwhile stay on computing playing games or watching pot or whatever.
*****4. Team up with Warren (or Lauren) and gang up on poor people doing stupid things like confusing people.
*****5. Play violin. Enjoy this because extremely proud of it. (I dont see how she does it)
*****6. Act tough. Scary. High. Annoying.
*****7. Watch smart tv shows that are so boring to normal people. And Smallville if she remembers.
*****8. Ask parents for something. If doesnt work, bargain way in.

That was random.

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