Normal diary entry 1 (don't got a proper name)

6:27 p.m., 2006-12-04

Sydney Aunt (Grace) and Carson and my grandma came over. Sydney aunt was in Beijing this year. She's staying there for two to three years for some job. Came back for holiday.

Presents for me: This string of beads that have magnets as beads so you can connect them at random times. You know what I mean? I gotta tell you this, I find it really amusing. Well, I also got this perfume bag? and this bracelet thingo from my grandma. I kept choosing the colours that she wanted.

First time I really actually chose something. Usually I say I don't know and get someone else to choose for me. That's because I don't want to be selfish or anything. But - sigh - things change in high school.

I tell you what I find amusing? Magnets. And also when you rub a ruler against your tunic and use it to life up small pieces of paper. I am very amused by that. Can stay in a room for hours just doing stuff like that.

Amusing is a new word.


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