Long diary entry coz I was lazy these past few days

6:41 p.m., 2006-12-07

Woah lots of stuff happening. Gonna write in note form.


Made bet with Amanda, $10 that she will get prefect in year 12.


Christmas concert. Just wore school unifrom with black jacket on top. Got away with it but it included alot of avoiding Mrs Young. Forced to freakin sing Jingle Bell Rock.
(a) its a gay song
(b) the part is way too high
(c)year seven AND eight? So squishy on stage.
(d)it was only at the end of the show and they told us to come at 6:45? I'm not in orchestra or anything like Amanda. I missed out on alot of YouTube watching that night.

Saw Daraphet's older brothers. Like in their twenties or something. I can now see where Daraphet gets her gangster side.
They spoiled her with lots of $1 glowsticks and video recording her watching the show. Wth? And they also looked through her bag and ate from the Weetbix bar thing that Daraphet had saved for Christine. Poor Christine watched them sadly.

I think Belle had a thing for them and was trying to flirt by talking alot in the concert. Pffft.

Amanda wore pigtails of some sort.
Lauren wore singlet top even if you're not allowed to wear singlet tops. Expected that.


Wrote in Nancy's profile book. See, her friends are going to write about themselves with pictures and decorations and all. Rebecca and Phoebe copied her. I added this picture of when I was small. It was a very famous picture at home.

They found out that I didn't look like anything from when I was small. Everyone else does but not me. I just look so different. Very very very little slight resemblences.

Anyway, I won't be able to put in any more pictures of when I was little coz that was the last one I was allowed to give away. We don't take many photos. I'll have to find one of the recent phtots.


First game of dodgeball I ever enjoyed. Thats coz I actually tried. In primary school I just stodd there coz I knew I was gonna suck. Every one, I repeat everyone, was better than me.

But here, people suck like me! So thats why I tried. I hate disappointment. Thats half of the reason why I don't like sports. I always disappoint the team.

Thats why I'm gonna not make a good impression of myself so no one will think I'm good at any sports. And I'm gonna try so I will at least know how to play the game funly. I'm ok. Not that bad. Um... cough cough that is, to this school's standards.


Started DN Angel. Watched first episode. I like the bit where the dude goes to his house and has to past this test. It's funny. But I hate his hair. Its as big as his head, spiky and is red!
Ok, Gaara's hair looks perfectly fine. Even Sasuke's hair is better - even if I don't agree with Loz and Amanda about his cool hair wth?? - and the twin girl is also boring looking.
Probably gonna get addicted but still like Inuyasha the best!


Amanda's going on about this dick thing. What the hell? Dicknames? Unpredicktable? Charles Dickens is a chicken with a dick? Ergh.


Old diary entry. Appointment with Joanna. Fixing up.

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