Freakin hello again

2:17 p.m., 2007-02-25

Stop freakin controlling my life. Who cares? Why do you wish me to study so much? So I can get a freakin good job that makes lots of money. Is that what school is about?

Well what if I become a shopkeeper or something? Do I need to do algebra there? And I already do the same freakin maths at school already - I do not need more maths to do at home.

I can freakin get through school my freakin self in my own freakin way so you can just shut your face.


I wish to learn martial arts. No I don't. Yes I do. But not combat stuff. Stuff like... kendo or something.


Cindy is a freak. I want to kill her. She tries too hard. I guess thats a good thing. But she tries so much, she's not Cindy anymore... she's like trying to be another person for some gay reason.

Then she gets confused when this copying other people doesn't work. And even though she knows shes stuffed it, she pretends she did it one purpose.

Hard to explain


Oh yes, chinese school is boring. Eatrend is acting like Amanda to get into a higher class. I don't care. I see these people who catch the train.

Parents still trying to make me speak chinese more. Not working. Mainly becuase they don't believe in bribing. They sorta need lessons on modern society as well. No offence to them.

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