Last day of Term3

1:39 p.m., 2006-09-30

On the train home: as usualy me, Jenny and Joyce were silently reading newspapers/ doing sudokus.

There were stupid gaybos around us. Boys. Sydney boys. That speak canto as well as english. What gayness!
So anwyay, I saw this newspaper fall down in the isle next to Jenny, from the dude on the other side. She picked it up, put on a threatening face, used the newspaper to slap the guy's arm and threw it at him. LoL. She said he was really annoying. Sigh. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.

Right so I was laughing to myself with Jenny. THen she stopped and I was still laughing. Jenny and Joyce just continued reading.

Then I heard one of those canto dudes going (in canto) "Should I ask her if she likes me?" LoL. I didn't see who it was. Or who "she" was. But I was laughing like mad. Jenny and Joyce asked me what was wrong with me. LoL. It took me a while to explain to them. LoL.

Later, we heard more talking from the canto guys. Something about, "That's not my rubbish. It was the fat lady's rubbish." Me and Joyce laughed. Jenny thought we were crazy. She can't understand canto. You know, it might not be funny in english but in canto, it sounds so pathetic and funny.

Then me and Jenny heard "Your rubbish!" or something like that. LoL. I continued to laugh as I went heard two languages. Jenny told me to stop eavesdropping. But it's not like I can close my ears or anything.

Earlier in maths: Mr Brennen is leaving us next term. Going to Thailand or something. We get this new teacher called Mr Williams from Sydney Boys. Sucks. What if he turns out to be strict and we can't talk in class or argue about the amount of work we do like we do with Mr Brennen? Sydney Boys. Pah. What right do they have teaching out school? Gaybos. Ok, I shouldn't have so much against the teachers but it's their fault they're teaching a gaybos school.

So anyway, since Lauren wasn't there, I went on saying really random stuff and laughing for no reason. LoL. Sigh. Good times.

I don't want to be a year 8. Cry cry. I want to stay year 7. I'm going to so hate the next generation of year 7's. Just like the year 8's hate us now. I can't help it. I'm finally scared of growing older. So earlier. Yeah, really pathetic of me, but thats just me.

No when I look at the year 4's or something, I think: so little, so much to learn, don't know anything. But I was that age once. And I don't think I was that little to understand sutff now. Just the world's linitations. Whats the word? Concepts. Yeah. Too young. But there's not much difference between now and then. It just looks longer 'coz you learn alot more new things in that short amount of time. Not like when your thirty or forty. That sounds like a short amount of time. That's 'coz nothing happens. But what about when your ten or twenty? It looks like a big difference, though you know it isn't.
I reckon its in your childhood that you must learn everything you can. Because when you're older, you'll lost the time, the interest, your imagination.

Here's what I think is life's stuff:

Life's destiny: to be happy because you've dont something you've always wanted to do.
The meaning of life: to learn everything you want, to never learn interest.

If there's another life thing that I've missed I'm sure its connected somehow.

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