Deep stuff/talk 1

8:31 p.m., 2007-01-28

Everyone's got such interesting lives. Well at least they don't write crap in their diaries. And here I am writing the most boring stuff about my life on the computer. Sad.

Anywho, this is something I found about the people around me that I wanted to write down for a long time:
I'm more quiet than other people yes, I keep some things to myself. And you could say I'm a little more obedient. Well sort of.
My parents raised me to be tight on money. Learnt all this random maths at home. You could say, they moulded all the basics of my personality. They know all about me.

But not all of me.
You wouldn't call it knowing me on the outside because these things you don't usually find on the outside. But then they don't really know me properly. Get it?

Don't you get the feeling sometimes? That you've known someone for quite some time and you know how they act and what they do. But you don't know them really. Like what they like doing. You just assume something, or accept something they say, without really being so close you know what they're really thinking.

People trust others for different reasons. Usually over time. But sometimes it's the person itself. You might know someone for your whole life but you don't trust them. Why? You might not like them. They mighten't understand what you think. Who knows.

Now I'm not saying my friends are crap and they don't understand anything about me. Most of this is about my parents.

Back to the knowing thing. My parents might know how I act, what I like and what I do. But they don't really know whats up with me. I have no idea where my love for nature came from. Or Japan. Or HTML. Maybe from outside.

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