Christmas Cards and Ouran

8:02 p.m., 2006-12-22

My mum does not know the meaning of childhood memmories.

Whenever I got Christmas cards from school, my mum would put it on the piano and when Christmas was over, she would either throw it away or cut the used cards in half and used the good side. Cheap.

And what would my dad do? He coudln't care less what happens to his Christmas cards. I want to keep them in the best condition and put it in my own time capsule like school.

I don't know where I get my "deep" personality from.

And you know what? My parents are both very proud. Especially my dad. Just like Amanda-san. I might be feeling proud, but I don't like to show it. You could say, I like to be underestimated, even though I got nothing very good about me to be underestimated in the first place.


Anyway, I started Ouran High School Host Club at school with Amanda-san. She watched without me. =P

So anyway, the G drive didn't have the first episodes. It had random ones. So I'm watching it out of order. So far I need episodes 10, 11, 12, 13, and 24, 25 and 26. I'm not sure though.

It's so cool!!!

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