Pubic High

9:34 p.m., 02/06/2007

PimPim's friend she met over internet. Sounds dangerous. BUT... HE goes to SYDNEY BOYS. What a coincidence.

Name: Richard Hua (Not Diana's bro)
Height: 165cm
Year: 11
I know... SHORTIE!!!
I called him Pubic High 'coz he calls himself Hurikai and when i first heard it i thought it was Pubic High. Lol.

Pimpim knows so much about him. His height, phone number (off by heart!!!), weight, hobbies, etc. And she even talks - via TEXT MESSAGES - to him everyday. She's seen photos of him. He's seen photos of her. She's seen him in real life a couple of times in the morning. He's seen her once in the morning. They've never met. They've never actually talked to each other. Pimpim says he's ugly and has a "tiny moustache". She asked me what to get for his bday and I said shaving cream and shaver thingo. She laughed.

She told him that night. He took it seriously and said, "I wanna machette gallette 3" wateva crap - that ad on tv. I didn't take it too seriously the whole Pubic High thing.

But then PimPim keeps talking about him everyday. Sigh. I reckon she likes him. Sigh. And I finally got to see pictures of him. Doesn't look that bad. I like the pic where he looks dead in these crocodile jaws. Haha. The croc's fake of course. I'll put them on one day.

My description of him with only like 3/4 of the info PimPim told me....:
165cm tall year 11 "low"-hentai subway employee "girl" who has a future growing moustache and wears eyeliner and goes to Sydney Boys who thinks he sould be first in his grade in english becuase second isn't good enough, bad at maths and does modern history (whatever that it... how can history be modern?? blah blah...) and plays chess - senior teamA board4 - with PimPim and cyber soccer with lawrence and goes to the gym and speaks Shang because he is Shang and is "physically attracted" to Leepony from St George Girls and loves "saxaphones" (WTF???) and "white sotckings" (He calls them both SEXY!! HAHA!!) but wears long socks that are grey with shorts and has a black Nike bag.... and more...

PimPim and PubicHigh.

The Kohes or PimPim calls them Koyis (She/he in canto) shes doesn't like any of 'em except 4 and 8:
K1 - Jaya (the hair and PimPim don't like her - i don't care)
K2 - Tiffany (they say she steals - i don't belive that)
K3 - Sandra (PimPim doesn't like her at times - I think she's fine)
K4 - Pubic High
K5 - Amy (PimPim says she's always sad... she kinda is...)
K6 - Chinkii - (We think she's LES - and she says shes NOTHING which means... not bi or les or bent or straight... MULTI!! lol)
K7 - Empty...
K8 - Christie (She's always toturing me through pokes and tickles and ARGHHH! lol. She calls me CUTE like Silvia and they're both SHORTER than me. LOOK WHO"S TALKING!!! lol so when PimPIm says eight! eight! it means she's after me again. She always says it too late...)
-K48 - Kendy (She wanted to be a K but we told her it was NOT an honour to be a K but she wanted to so shes -48. lol)

Nicknames see... ><

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