
3:42 p.m., 12/04/2007

I really like to find reasons. I have to find the reasons for why things happen. Not so much science. No. More like the wonders of human psycology or however you spell it.

But just because I like reasons, it doesn't mean they have to be reasonable. Two totally different words.

I guess that's why I'm more interested in olden day setting stories and books and stuff. 'Coz back then they didn't have so much proper answers like we do now. That's why they're answers are different and only theories and stuff. And those answers and the interesting ones. Interesting reasons.

Anyway, I've been wondering. Why do girls cry over breaking up with their boyfriends? What is the purpose of a boyfriend anyway? For love?

Fine. So, you're going to be together forever, marry, get kids and become a happy family. No-one ever thinks about that. And if you don't want to get married and get a family then you won't be together forever. Which means you will eventually break up one day.

Sometimes, you want it to be like books. Like Lauren's stories. This is reality.

Most books have a neverending happy sweet ending. Really nice. But nothing happens after.
Time will come soonder or later. You can't stop it. You got choices to choose.

That's why you get a boyfriend in your last year of university and celebrate freedom and youth and kiddyness while in high school. xD

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