Totally irrelevant

2:08 p.m., 2007-03-31


OMG Amanda turned emo. Lauren turned emo. Joanna is normal. xD

Joanna's diary: No comment. 'Cept I'm more interested in entreis with names. Oh well.

Amanda's diary: New layout. Emo layout. She can't be bothered to change the need-to-change bits though. No archive button. Can't see properly. Anyway, her diary entries are turning out like Joanna's. Good thing though so I won't complain.

Lauren's diary: Read entry and felt like the back of my eyes were crying.

You know, every minute you are living, every minute you are dying. Every day, you are dying yet growing as well.

Think: Do you remember now the very place you stood before goind to sleep on the bed in the cabin in Canberra? If you do, do you remember what yuou were feeling then?
Do you remember when you first went to school and when you came back home after?

Probably not. It'd be lucky if you did. 'Coz, when you're doing stuff, you don't think about tomorrow. You think about now. Whether you're angry or sad or happy. You never think about what you'll think tomorrow when you think back to today. Nopenope. It might be that you never think about the future or the consequences and that crap and you should think more about tomorrow.
But it might be that you're living your life.

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