CD Day 16

22:36, Monday, Dec. 09, 2013

0500 0530 0600 0630
I keep waking up by myself as if I'm afraid I've slept in, even though I slept at like 2.

Get up forrealz and get some pancake hamburger for breakfast.

Everyone is late, it's hilarious. For speaking, I get partnered with Daniel, basically the one person I did not want to be with, other than K. The thing turns out ok though, all that stress last night was pointless. I find out about the possibility of Daniel having a thing for me, and it explains a few things and makes me feel like ergh.

K has been feeling tired and down since class has started. I am craving coffee so bad, so we go to the apparently only good cafe on campus: Paradiso and I buy a latte (and learn the mandarin version: na2tie3). Lunch is another pancake hamburger.

Me, K, Clara and Shirley go to Wangfujin for some shopping. I'm excited a bit tos buy the stuff my brother wanted me to buy, and I show him off a bit to them on the train.

We eat so many yang rou chuan. I buy a little souvenir for dad and I learn a bit more about bargaining and I get a bit closer to Clara. Things to add on wishlist: old-style pocketwatch and a communist T-shirt (which is also what C and S want lols).

The shopping centre bore less fruits. I thought men's winter basics would be easy to find, but nothing came up in C&A, Zara, Gap, etc. I am super annoyed, and I want to go to H&M or Dongwuyuan soon instead.

When we're alone, K tells me about her annoyance with C. The tension between me and K seems to have fixed with today, she probably things my PMS is over, or that C is more annoying. I can definitely see horrible tension between C and K.

Head home. Skip out on dinner because we're lazy and tired. I eat chestnuts and an apple instead, shower, do homework and get on the laptop.

I feel a little sad that there's only 2 more weeks left, 1 more weekened left, but I feel like I've been to everywhere I've really wanted to go. And right now, I just want to buy everything my brother wanted. It's satisfying to shop for him, because his budget is so high.

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