CD Day 14

21:54, Saturday, Dec. 07, 2013

Wake up. Apple for breakfast on the bus. Brought a lot of snacks and ate them all.

Great wall is so fucking steep, my legs will probably kill tomorrow. But it's not boring, and the view is amazing and we take a lot of fun selfies. It's pretty nice.

We return to the bus. As we hang in subway, Jordon (the halfie in our Chinese class) asks me where I was last night and was like, we were trying to call you to come out with us o__O? I was super confused but I gave him my number anyway... I think Daniel has been talking about me with his peeps and it feels weird.

Everyone of the bus ride sleeps. It's hilarious.

Return home and I skype my parents after about a week of not talking. We talk for over an hour, Eatrend tells me about what he wants, and I feel a little better. My family will always be there for me, there to care, or just there to tell me things.

I call Henry to accompany me to campus to buy dinner, get cash out and buy books. He bargains books for me which is nice: I get 1984 and The Five People You Meet in Heaven. We bump into Teresa, Alex, Blake and Kevin at dumplings, and Kevin is being a douche, I can feel all the gossip about him being true.

Decide to go back and bring my laptop to Clara's place. Surf for a bit, before Daniel comes in for a bit. KTV happening tonight with the 'hip' group and he invites us but I'm like meh. I'm sick and I do not feel good.

Probably going to go back early tonight and sleep. Life here is pretty shit. I want to go out for drinks one night and drink shit away, when I'm not sick, and with someone chill and non-depressing and non-intimidating and fuck. That or I need to spend a lot of money.

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