CD Day 8

22:36, Sunday, Dec. 01, 2013

0800: I wake up without an alarm. I feel tired but awake and I can't go back to sleep. I think the early morning classes are putting routine and body clock back into use.

1000: I stay inside, eat my long-awaited fruit, and connect vpn, thus giving me access to facebook after a week long absence. I didn't miss out on much. I think I do more in China in one week than I do in one year in Australia. I mean, I had beer twice this week, and back home I drink like twice a year.

1200: I'm sure I annoy my roommate, so I go to K's to sit in her room. I'm so glad she lives in the same building as me.

1400: We meet Shirley to out shopping at Xidan, like department shopping centre district. Pretty cool, but totally out of my price range. H&M and Zara are there, but they're pretty meh. Only thing I'm considering are new chucks.

1800: Return and eat fried rice for dinner, and stock up on water. Hang in K's to do group homework, but mostly chat.

2000: Move to Shirley's room and see Clara and Kevin. Do not get to see Henry's roommate, who is apparently this much-hyped cute Hong Kong boy.

Shirley is pretty cool, super grandma taste and semi-hipster interests, but not obnoxious in any way. It's cool. She has a lomo camera, thrifts, and buys tea and teacups but is still pretty asian. Love it. We bitch about Kevin and talk about other random crap. She's nicer than I originally knew, but still pretty meh. I think because people who have experienced a lot of things are the most interesting people.

We drink tea from her granny teacups and her room is the neatest. She has a perfume in her room which I am obsessed with, because it is probably the nicest one for me that I've ever smelt; its perfect for me and I'm going to buy it for myself at the airport. Chloe by Chloe.

2200: Return quickly before I annoy my roommate any further. And to do homework.

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