
22:33, Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012

I want to screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.

I have a hundred things to do on my (actually need) to do list and then another billion things on my (claimed I would do) to do list, but life is fiuvked and the day is short.

I have yet to catch up on sleep so I sleep about 13 hours a day right to the afternoon although it's usually because some fuckwit (sorry they're not actually they're my dearly beloveds) texts me or calls me. Then it's enough time for breakfast/lunch/dinner combo before I head off to work.

I actually haven't eaten at home with the family for dinner in two weeks I think and I'm technically supposed to entry about that first but right now I need to vent.

My awesomest friend is living a fucked up life right now and I only know half of it and it just fucks me up too. Work is a bitch and Cindy's back and the new guy is a bloody retard and more on that some other time. And the boy in Thailand is on my mind more than I'd like him to be because the whole hopelessness of it has finally fully caught up and suffocated me.

I have no new music (getting some new ones are on my priority todo list) but I haven't yet found anything I really really love, just a lot of good shit that makes a pile of damn good shit, THAT I HAVE YET TO GET.

Friends are a distraction. I don't mean that in a, they're only tools, way, but as in being with them allows me to momentarily forget shitty things and enjoy the moment. I think being alone all the time will drive me crazy because it gives me too much time to think.

Why do my eyebrow hairs seem thicker these days? How can I look like the prettiest bitch on earth? What did I use to do in my spare time? Why aren't I eating healthy these days? Is it because I work at a restaurant? Why do I feel so irritated??

Fuck it. Life isn't even shit for me. Shut up.

I want to drink.

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