After hours

08:29, Saturday, May. 05, 2012

Last night, me and Cindy ended work normal time but we stayed a little longer, and until the end ultimately. I'm not sure why Cindy did, but I wanted to talk to her about something but she kept flitting about. I think she wanted to prove that she was a good worker, since we got told to after the new girl cam in. Anyway.

Near the end I asked Boom and Man if I could take a photo of them like just the three of us, since I've got my iphone now, just to show my friends teheh :D But in the end, she said she wanted a photo of everyone together, since Top was leaving next week. So there we all are taking photos together like the asians we are in our work clothes (Top: wearing this?? don't post on facebook ok!!) We took especially long because of Cindy who kept running away and hiding her face, haha. But it was very fun and it feels nice how we're all close and joking about.

They wanted to go city to have Top's goodbye party, but me and Cindy couldn't go, because they would be leaving after work (10pm). So we're having a BBQ at the restaurant after hours :D

Me and Cindy text like crazy sometimes, I've no idea why, she's two years younger than me, but we get along really well. I think because she's a very cute people's person ^^

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