Eye bags

3:15 PM, Tuesday, Jun. 14, 2011

Stayed up last night until 2 actually studying. But goddammit I just rewrote my notes into sentences. Why I'm mentioning this at all: first time up so late, first time up so late studying, first time getting a 4 hour sleep on a school night, first time getting only 4 hours of sleep the night before an exam, etc.

I have to say... I'm so fucking tired and more can't-give-a-fuck than usual. But also I feel sort of elated and satisfied and pleased. Maybe because I'm so tired, I'm at a point where I feel like I won't react as I would usually, and somehow I find that amusing.

I don't know, I think I'm very pretty today. This might be because of the cloudy weather, which gives great lighting, and dilates my pupils, and spoofs my hair. Or because my hair has reached the length where it just looks awesome, so awesome that I feel sad when I think about it growing. Or because my tiredness gives my face a mysterious dark hollow look, which for some horrible reason I'm drawn to. Or because I'm tired and blinded and not right in the mind. Yeah well, I'm pretty vain, superficial, narcissistic, whatever you want to call it.

I finished the book I began reading, and it turns out I never finished reading it when I was 12, and thank god for that. The book had themes of polyamory and was the fucking weirdest shit ever, with an alright, so-so ending, although it's sort of so weird that you want to keep reading because it's new and unpredictable and weird. Yeah.

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