I am

7:13 PM, Saturday, May. 07, 2011

Objective, 'true' "about me."

My name is Eve.
I'm 16.
I was born on the last day of the year.
My favourite colour is red.
My favourite fruit is apples.
My favourite subject is history.
I love scooped ice cream.
I read manga.
I listen to my iPod. I hate the current radio. I like a lot of Beatles songs.
I like books but I rarely read them. I think non-fiction books are lovely.
I hate working at school.
I like money and clothes, but I rarely buy clothes anymore.
I judge people, and discriminate, and stereotype, and label.
I am not happy with my body or face.
I feel like I am not happy most of the time. Mainly indifferent.
I have someone I call my best friend, who I am jealous of.
I love my friends dearly.
I have a little brother, who I am secretly very proud of.
I learnt guitar for about a month but now I can't play anything at all, but I would like to learn to in the future.
I have learnt to play piano.
I have a flute.
I had dreams.
I like to learn korean pop song dances. I'm a Soshi fan.
I would like a tattoo, but I'm still thinking.
I want to be rich, because I think money can buy my a slice of happiness.
I think the world's society is so incredibly fucked up, but that's humanity for you.
I am superficial. I like pretty things.
There are things I wish to be but believe I will never be able to become.
I want boobs.


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