Scavenger hunt

7:53 PM, Thursday, Apr. 21, 2011

Wasn't the greatest but I suppose it was okay. Very tiring though.

Got put in a group with Josie and Lawrence. Girl I'm not too fond with talking to, and boy I don't know. But he was okay. A lot of Josie running her mouth as usual, and he was normal nice-ish so it was good.

Better part--going Thai for lunch (at fucking four though. So bloody starving). I didn't expect much, but the place has some really nice food. I could have ordered something better, instead of this chili dish which was like the chilliest thing I've ever eaten in my entire life. But still tasted nice.

Best part--going to Hyde Park. You know I always knew of it, and have seen it from the road, but going into it? Walking by that fountain? God it was like a scene from a movie.
Leaves falling in the wind like rain; green grass speckled with strangers every couple of metres, some alone, some paired, friends, lovers, lying down on their backs or their bellies; elderly, hipsters, pretty girls, families and small children sitting on the seats, running around. Relaxing.
There was a bubble man, all sizes, all colours, all sorts, on one side, and I remember when he released an outburst of small bubbles and the children chased them while clapping their hands.
Then there was a bald man with earings, playing semi-acoustic guitar in front of the fountatin, smiling at those walking past. The music was so beautiful, like perfect background music. He was advertising his CD for $20 behind him, but other than that, he held no hat or jar for spare change or money. And I found that so, so, so very admirable, because he looks like he truly enjoys it, as if he's playing just for fun, for art, for the beauty of music.
Along the right there's a walkway, an archway formed from the tall trees on the sides, an almost surreal picture. I starting wondering, how long did it take for those trees to grow so tall? Did they plan for them to bend across the sky like that? Because it seemed like they had been planted for that very moment, like time could stop.

It honestly felt like another world. A wonderful picturesque world hidden Sydney's CBD. I want to go there again with someone and just sit on the grass, and listen to that music, watch the leaves fall, chase the bubbles, roll around on the grass, and talk about why the sky is blue. I think I understand why the park is so famous. Pure beauty. I was thinking the entire time, I wouldn't mind just stopping where I stood, and looking up and taking it all in and just soaking in it because it is that awesome. I was thinking, I need a camera right now, I need to capture this moment, oh god.

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