
6:38 PM, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011

School photo day:
Starts rainingsprinkling. Screaming starts. Sprinkling becomes heavier. Everyone screams louder. Staff calming down stu--"WHERE'S THE PRINCIPAL!?" Horrific screaming. Staff hurriedly takes photo. Everyone runs for cover. Rain stops. Principal assumed to be photoshopped in later. See-through white shirts, frizzy hair, running eyeliner...LOL I WISH!!! Hilarious.

I finally overcame my obstacle of a new history topic (he liked it!!) and now I'm stressed about english and maths and every other subject.
The internet ban for this term starts today, dot dot dot.
Received a belated birthday present from Pim. 70's hits CD & oil wipes. Double lol.
FUCKING VAMPIRE DIARIES<3333 Damn everyone is so hottt~ Obsession completely unexpected.

These days I feel like I've reverted back to how I was as an awkward child.

My brother had the shittiest birthday five days ago and I feel so, so, so bad. It's okay, I can buy him something expensive next year. After I get a/several job/s this coming summer.

History is like the fucking best thing that could ever be, in my life. I swear, I've grown to love it so, so much. Even though it is so fucking boring in class, but what you learn from it--that stuff influences me in all sorts of ways. History is my love<3

Silvia is so, so, so very cute. I wonder why we couldn't be closer before, because our minds click like that *snap*. No, actually, I do know the exact moment when the door to becoming closer opened, and it's all thanks to Pim :)

I have an idea for Lisa's upcoming birthday, something handmade and sentimental, something I don't know if I'll have time to prepare for, something I don't know if it's a good idea, something I should probably ask my friends about first, something I don't know if she'll actually end up appreciating, but you know...just maybe.

I shall leave you with two of my new songs which I couldn't pick between because they are so good in different ways. Even though when I first got them I didn't think they'd amount to much, they're now my favourites of the mo.
Like I said, it's all about second chances.

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