
12:34 PM, Sunday, Dec. 05, 2010

My computer updated its security so now Chrome doesn't work.
Chrome is the best<3

Exam week is over, which also means the break during term is over, which means back to 4 morning classes, falling behind in maths homework, Modern History teacher gunning through the module to finish by end of term, weekly hiostrian analysis, etc.
I would have liked to take that 3u exam again though.

Lately we (Mika, Pim, occasionally Jess) have been practicing Genie (thanks Diana for putting up with us) and we've got the whole song down (the three of us) and now we've just got to find other people as hyped up as us.
Oh and I think Mika and Pim went to the JYP audition today so goodluck to them ;)

I'm pretty sure this final year of school will be the best<3

I want boobs.

We've finally got a set top box and digital tv and an LCD 42-inch tv screen. Hah, we are so behind.
Although I reckon we need a new vacuum cleaner more.

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