Listen and you shall be heard

9:21 PM, Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2010

I'm seeing Diana a lot nowadays. Today we had talked a bit in our double free and it was a bit awkward, as in quiet, between us occasionally, but you know it was such a lovely conversation :)

We talking about random history project ideas, tutoring, primary school, childhood memories, games with our brothers, our future number of children, her mother and amway, her brother and his girlfriend, liking a boy or just thinking he's hot/cute, getting a boyfriend, etc.

Can you see it?

I don't know, these things that seem ordinary, yet I haven't talked about them in ages and ages, and talking with her feels like I've returned to simple year 7 when people listened and talked without judgement, when sharing memories was not about comparing what inevitably changed, but just reflecting on all the good times, slowly and carefully.

I mean, as much as I enjoy it, sometimes it's tiring and tedious and draining when I'm gossiping, or talking about other people, about how you look, about how that bitch glared at you, about how boys talked to you for a minute, about how your timetable is shit, about how many swear words you can put in a single sentence.

On a lighter note, my morning train was delayed half and hour, hence I only made it to half my morning lesson, which, though I lingered around outside the classroom in dread, wasn't half as bad or embarrassing or scary as I thought it would be.

After...a year? three years? School has suddenly become more enjoyable and fun and happy :) Maybe because I'm around other people more, I feel like talking to others. Remember that slump I had before about just ignore everyone and sink in my own world? Well now I feel like mixing with other worlds and just... waking up and floating to the surface where the sun is. Maybe it's the season or weather.


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