
5:31 PM, Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010

I had the most contact with the rabbits that I've had in a long time. I helped Eatrend catch them and put them back in their hut. Yep, definitely enough rabbit contact for a while.

I look at them running out wild and I'm like aww how cute and I'll just pet them and maybe give them snacks but I'll just leave them alone to do whatever the heck they like. My bro's more like, CATCH THEM GOD DAMN IT! DON'T LET IT GO THAT WAY!!

My attitude makes me wonder what will happen when I raise kids, if I do at all. Same thing for my bro, though...

Also, I don't know if it's because it's my brother, or because he's a boy, or most likely the fact he can say it in a low voice with the most straightforward tone but its funny, quote:
Dad: How did the rabbits get out of their den or whatever?
Bro: I don't know they have superpowers or something.

I know, but it is SO much more funnier when he says it. I wish I could do that too =| But he's such a gamer lately, waste of his coolness =="

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