City with almost all of group =D

8:16 PM, Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2010

Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (forgive me for doubting). Maybe I'm just way over-pessimistic.

Hot and only find of the day: this really, really, really awesome blazer for only $10!!! which I just LOVE TO FUCKING BITS but it was size 12 and didn't fit me very nicely :( But I managed to get Lisa to buy it (it looks really good on her plus she's a blazer person). It's like dark blue metallic with fabric/lace flowers? Sort of like my formal dress, that type of style.

Oh well, I can just borrow off her when the time comes ;D

Oh and I am also on the road that many have been on, that many are on, that many will soon be on--the journey of discovery of make up =D Never thought I'd be like this, but I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised. But so expensive.

Items in the need/want at the moment: nice smooth un-clumpy mascara, VERY nice make up remove, eyeshadow (colours: white, dark metallic blue? I don't know, black, brown, green, light blue looks horrible on me, and purple is too weak D;)

I am very excited for this weekend. Market sales <3

Damn that jacket. If only it were a size down :(

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