Group KK

9:11 PM, Friday, Dec. 04, 2009

So as I should know, I have Renee and she asked for emo anime stuff so I was like okay great. So I went to Karebear (anime shop across from capitol) and looked around on Wednesday.

Didn't find anything that really called to me, except bleach/naruto soft toys so I left and hurried back to the station. This is all after school okay? So I caught the late train duh. Anyway when I was in Hyde Park, this lady stopped me.

She was a tutoring survey lady. Go figure. Another one. I was just going to be like, oh no I gotta go! But then she said she had free easyway vouchers so I'm like... okay I'll stay XD A bit suss, I wouldn't give them anything except my old gmail email, my name was Eve Su and I was apparently going overseas this month...

But easyway free voucher XDD Saw her again this afternoon at Central station and smiled at her awkwardly =x

Went again Thursday afternoon (the afternoon before the day it was due LOL.) My clue for earlier that day to her was: I'm a procrastinator. Would you mind a naurto/bleach doll? And she's like sure w/e. So I just searched around and decided on Kon and Zaraki doll for $20.

The guy made me wait ages. So I just pestered him for new dolls, and made him get a bag, and made him stamp Ticky's card. He re-stamped the second box again so I was like all bitch and all: 'no the second one's already stamped' Lol. But he deserved it >>"

Anyway later that night, mum got super pissed at me for spending $20 for one girl for Kris Kringle on dolls. Well for your fucking information, it was a present that I got based on her personality, not on price.

Fucking hell, all she does for presents is pass around old ones, like moisturizer and soap and shit. You expect me to give her that?? I'm not a slack ass to that extent. It was technically my money anyway, because she gave it to me, letting me spend it on 'whatever i wanted.' Fuck if she said that, then why does she monitor/lecture on my every spending habit?? FUCK OFF.

So annoying. I spent about $45 all up this year on buying presents for friends, which means for chip ins and KK. It's the most I've spent any year on presents. $20 is the most I've spent on any present. But I'm not sad that I spend so much even though I'm such a sad cheapass. Because I know she'll love it.

Like so what if I spend like $20 ONCE A YEAR?? Everyone in my group knows me as the cheapest shit in the group. It's an understanding. Nobody buys stuff for me, and I don't buy stuff for them. It works out. I feel real guilty all the time, but it works out. And yet, I'm still spending TOO MUCH on my friends?

My mum's like, Oh, why are you spending so much? What a stupid group you have there, exchanging presents is a stupid system. No it fucking isn't. If my group is stupid, what about the rest of the grade? The school? Are you telling me everyone is a sadass?? MY GROUP IS NOT STUPID. YOUR FACE IS.

She doesn't understand. These friends I have, I've got a relationship with them that you can't understand unless you're in it yourself. It's different from primary and even junior high years. Because you've developed a bond with them that's so... real and strong. You can't just pass up meaningless presents. That's just like giving them nothing at all, or even worse than that.

Anyway. So today was the giving day. I guessed my KK right =D Renee didn't get me until ages later. Everyone thought I was their KK >>" Like half the group guessed me at some point =="

List of KK--reciever
Ticky--Sandra (guessed at very end)
Pim--Jaya (guessed on first go)
Shelley--Cels (very end)
Tanya--Pim (she missed out on KK guessing =)
Lisa--Me (first go XD)
Sandra--Shelley (middle-ish I think)
Renee--Karen (last-ish)
Phoebe--Silvia (never got it)
Cels--JoP (at end)
Jop--Phoebe (end ish)
Maddy--Lisa (middle ish)
Karen--Ticky (first guess)
Jaya--Tanya (first guess)
JoT--Maddy (first-ish guess)

Anyway, I just want to say I'm sort of disappointed in my present from Lisa. I really wanted a scrapbook, and I was looking forward to it, I even stressed it out on my wishlist. But instead I got scrapbooking stuff. But how am I supposed to scrapbook without the bloody scrapbook without the actual scrapbook?

And it wasn't even nice stuff anyway. Except for the stickers and the ribbon. And I swear she only spent like, less than $10 on it all. The budget was freaking $10-20!!!! Aish. So I still can't start bloody scrapbooking. What a waste of hope. This is not said aloud though, only kept to me, because I feel bad complaining. Like I really appreciate it and stuff, but I was really looking forward to that scrapbook =|

I guess I sort of wish I had someone like Karen or Ticky or twins or Shelley or someone who bothers a bit more. Ticky got nice scrapbooking stuff even though she didn't really ask for it (from Karen). I felt so jealous. Tried not to show though. I Tanya gave a scrapbook to Shelley for her birthday and it's like, ARGH I wanted to start a scrapbook since the beginning of this year, and now suddenly everyone's doing it. ARGHH. AND I STILL DON'T HAVE ONE.

Sigh. Don't be greedy Eve.

But on the other hand, Renee actually did love her present and I'm glad =)

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