Matching shirts

5:32 PM, Saturday, Oct. 03, 2009

Next up, Amazing Race, which actually happened today. But before that, let's talk about going to city after exams to look for matching shirts to buy.

So on Tuesday, me and Shelley, coz Pim and Ticky had textiles after lunch, went to around market city and stuff to look for clothes. We went to Supre and Cotton On and Jayjays at first, like you know that little corner in market city? And then afterwards we were just everywhere, looking at all this asian stuff as well.

Oh we had lunch at maccas which was basically like, $3 coz we split this coupon for a big mac. Lol. And shelley's dettol=lol XD

Then on Wednesday, after computer skills the group went to basketball courts to hug just before hollies. Link of video by Ticky on her blog:

Then us four, went to market city and went around that "cheap" clothes corner thing like TWICE. We were going to do singlets on shirts, coz that was all that we could find. That was cheap enough for us. Our budget max (well me and Pim's) was eight bucks.

But then we went around Pitt Street or whatever and went into SES, AND WE FOUND SHIRTS! Like normal ones, with just colours, but not too plain because they're big-ish and loose at the top with an elastic thing at the bottom. And they were $7.95 XD So we were jsut trying everything out and checking who looked better in what colour.

In the end, Shelley got green, because you know Shelley, first choice for everything. Pim got purple because she looked better in that. Psht. Damn her. And then Ticky got grey, although she looked better in brown, but no one likes brown. I end up with pink because no one else took it and we NEED a bright-ish colour to work with as a group you know? Damn this world. If it wasn't pink, I would've taken white. Psht. Anything is better than hot pink though.

We were going to all wear shorts and stuff. Me in Pim's high waisted shorts, Shelley in her black ones, which are apprently high waisted also, Pim in her denim shorts but then she wore her black shorts she got on Thursday from Vinnies and Ticky in the brown ones from that time...

You know mine? Like in Pim's ones, if I tucked it in loose and yeah, since they're high waisted, I would look hot. IF I had hips. Damn this. JoT has the perfect body you know. If only she were taller a bit. But anyway. So then Pim's shorts were too big on me, by a bit, so they made my butt look big if I didn't cover the back. But I reckon it would work awesomely if I had a waist belt, or just a normal belt for the shorts to give me a waist.

And suspenders would look AWESOME as well.

Anyway, since it RAINED today and stuff, everyone decided to ditch the shorts thing. Well I didn't, because I was so paranoid about looking shat disney 13-yr-old in the asian CBD city. So I wore the shorts. Pim brought her shorts and changed half way. Shelley in the end wore the shorts too (to look cool, I bet) and black stockings underneath. Perfect flawless expensive looking stockings that made her legs look skinny as man.

And both Pim and Shelley did the high wasited thing with black shorts and it looked HOT man. Damn me and my wrong sized denim shorts that make it look like disney. SERIOUSLY.

And if we all wore like black high waisted shorts, with different styles, but were all black and the different brigh coloured shirts and maybe some of us have suspenders, or bling, or sunnies or something. If we had that outfit WE WOULD LOOK SUPER HOT. Like an awesome club that only us belong in XD

Anyway yeah. I'm so jealous of Shelley's jacket though. So hot.

I am in need of new clothes and a whole new wardrobe, and as superficial and materialistic and shallow that sounds, it's so fucking true.

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