9:11 PM, Friday, Oct. 02, 2009

OMG diary, I was capped from Saturday and I wasn't bothered to update until tomorrow. But there's so much to diary about/will be diaryed about and I just had to type at least some up tonight. God, the half of a week where all this stuff happens, I'm capped. It's Eatrend's fault, naturally.

Let's do this entry by entry, topic by topic shall we?

First up, pet rabbits. We got 'em Saturday, my brother's suggestion. They're giveaways from his friend. Basically her rabbit had tonnes of babies and she's giving them away.

So now we have the mother and one of the kids. Both female of course. So at the beginning Eatrend was obsessed with them, not that he isn't still, but dude on the weekends he stayed outside for hours watching over them in their cardboard box.

I know, they need a cage. But we have to get things sorted first.

So basically, they're really really cute. The big one (9months) is one of those normal white rabbits with red eyes. The 1month baby is white with black spots (the daddy was a blackie). The baby is cute but the big one is tamer).

Well, at the beginning they were ok. They stayed in the box. I picked up the white one and it peed on me. In my uniform. Shit I know right? But I got over it.

And then they started running away. The white one was outa the box EVERY SINGLE MORNING and I missed my train one time and almost missed it another. Mum got so pissed at it.

And then the baby one kept running away too. I think it was on Monday or Tuesday it was GONE. And Eatrend and the others didn't think it'll come back although I kinda (?) did. It did in the end, what can I say, I'm psychic. Me, Eatrend and dad caught it yesterday in the lane out back.

Anyway the little one was hella annoying after that. It kept trembling and it got scared every time we touched it, tried to feed it or give it water. And it kept fucking running away. The neighbour even found it in their garden and gave it back to us.

But then we realized it jsut wanted to be with its mother, even though the white one is always sitting on the baby, or hogging the food, etc.

The white one was huddled in the garage corner alot, while the baby was always going outside. Like just this evening, it escaped miraculously but at least it was still in our backyard. I do believe its growing on us.

We're feeding it grass from around the yard and occasionally some Chinese veges and celery. Lol. The big one especially loves guy-lahn, you know that mine and Tanya's favourite chinese green?

And I swear they even have a designated nap time. They like eat like they've been starving and then they reject food and start moving around. And then we stroke it and they start sleeping or 'resting'. Lol, so cute. I think they rather like mum and dad's touch either because they're older, more firm feeling or because we're (me and Eatrend) just not pro enough for them.

OMG ALSO, the big one had kids. Like, it randomly laid babies on Tuesday night or something. Two. One black deformed, one pink moving but later died during the night. Eatrend and dad (?) were there to witness it, and he was like, yeah it just laid the kid in front of them and hopped away.

Maternal instincts my ass.

I remember Eatrend that night. He was fully messed up even though the folks couldn't tell but I could. "I don't know what to do.." were his exact words. He really does care for them you know. He WAS the only one who wanted them at the beginning.

Well I was kinda worried too. I saw the two things all hairless and tiny as and surprisingly I didn't find them gross at all. Maybe that splat of blood on the garage floor but yeah, not really. Mum was grossed out though. Dad just picked it up with his hands. Eatrend was grossed out too but he would've done what he had to.

How the hell did the rabbit get pregnant AGAIN when it had been apparently desexed??

Well anyway, naming time? The big one doesn't have a name yet, coz we haven't really found one that suited it. But little one is called Mitsubishi. Yes after the car. I picked it myself. And it is a pretty cute name, if a bit long. And it does fit. But we don't really use it much. It's mainly just, the big one or the small one.

Still need to provide better diet and shelter =|

There will be more on this. If I remember.

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