Had a great arvo

5:08 PM, Monday, Aug. 24, 2009

Not really. Japanese test, but screw that, that wasn't even the point.

No, today I caught the late train (again) and this time with Lauren. It's not like I don't do that much, or like I do it rarely. But today, it was full on like non-awkward.

I don't know where things went, but she was always so awkward to talk to about...the normal stuff. And then bang today, we happened to be able to go on and on about stuff, and it didn't turn awkward much, and I felt like we were actually close friends who talked about things that close friends talked about.

The topics?
Realism. English. And childhoods. Fading childhoods, to be precise. It was all about bush and bogan and freedom and carefree-ness and now its like... bam. Gone.

We miss it alot =(

There was also a touch in the topic of bindies. Lol. Where have they all gone? Do we see them anymore? Is it because, they're just gone because of this changing world, or because we've changed and we just don't go out and find the bindies? You know what I mean?

I can honestly say, I think I do have some similarities with Lauren. Some new light for me. One, we love old 90s music. Two, kind of that adventurous type, although I guess she is more than me. Three, nostalgia.

We're we better off as children? The biggest paradox of life that I read somewhere:


When we are young, we want to be older. When we grow up, we want to be younger.

Quite sad don't you think?

I reckon, me and Lauren, we're those type of peoplefriends that are super close and happy as kids. But once we get older, we just float apart. There's no reason for it, just, we've grown up. Whether we're different now or not, that's left for us to wonder.

Maybe because, there is only a certain area of things to talk about. Everything else, we've never talked about before together, so it'd be awkward doing so.

Another quote I saw:


I feel more comfortable talking to strangers than people I know. I believe this is because chances are, I�ll never see them ever again. And I feel like I can say anything I want. They don�t know my past or what I�ve done. They can only judge me on who they are seeing right that second. I�m the person I am now, not then. People I know don�t see the difference.

Quite true that one, although I love the feel of talking to strangers. I've never actually tried it before, but I'm sure it will be great.

And lastly, my favourite quote of today's arvo:


Why is the grass green? You can have the greener grass on the other side of the fence. I like my yellow patchy grass, thank you very much. -Lauren

How true.

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