Again and again

9:29 PM, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2009

You know why we don't talk to you anymore? You know why Eatrend doesn't talk to you? You know why I hate talking to you?

Because you take things to seriously.

When will you understand. We're not being serious. Just because I say something hurtful, it doesn't mean I truly mean it and want to hate you for the rest of my life. Don't put up all your defenses. Don't fuck out all my bad points at me. Don't take it to heart.

Because in the end, we love you. We're family.

Bu you just don't get it.

I guess its the language barrier. The age barrier. The generation barrier. The growing up in a different environment barrier. It's definitely a downside at times like this.

You exaggerate. I say I hate my life, but I'm lying. I say I hate you for what you've done, when I'm grateful. I say I want independence, when all I want is respect. I say I hate you, but I don't.

Why can't we just say the truth? Why can't we just say what we really mean? 'Coz it's fucking embarrassing. We don't even say this stuff to our friends usually, but then understand. I don't know why you don't.

You fawn. You worry. You criticize. Just leave it alone. We're old enough now. The more you try to hold on, the more we try to run away.

This distance. It's growing. I hate it at times, but I can't stand this. I'm sick of it all. When I can get off my lazy ass to get a job I will move out. Seriously.

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