An Interview with Eve

7:08 PM, Saturday, Aug. 01, 2009

So what makes you happier?

Home or school?

Friends or family?

Computer or parents?


So who are you closer with?

Friends or parents?

Eatrend or parents?

Computer or parents?

Diary or parents?


So Eve, is there any time when you will prefer parents over something else in terms of happiness or closeness?

And why is that?
Because they're family. It's obligation. I'm born into this family, so obviously I could care less about how they think of me. They aren't strangers, unless its to my mind and heart. I'd be sad to leave them, because I've always been with them. I've never known anywhere else without them. A world without my parents, is and has always been, non-existent.

What are parents to you? What are YOU'RE parents to you?
Like, I said, they're family. I expect them to care for me, provide for me, even guide me, lecture me, love me, etc. Those are good parents, and I'm grateful for that. But I guess, to have a close parent relationship, it's impossible. Because I cannot expect them to understand me. Because they're parents-- they're people too, people who are flawed into thinking only their way. They already are my parents, so I guess it's too much to ask for anything else.

What does it take for parents to get into that close parent relationship you mentioned earlier?
For them to step down from high up in their position, whether it be their age, parent responsibilities, generation or past, and just strip down and be equal.

Acceptance has always been one of parents' biggest weaknesses.

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