Japanese Workshop at USYD

5:42 PM, Wednesday, Jul. 01, 2009

I never knew the gap between our school's japanese and other schools was so big. Not to sound stuck up or anything, but its true.

Blakehurst and others sucked at reading hiragana and needed romaji. E.g. Gaori, who wrote the entire script for the people and they STILL stuff it up because they sucked at reading hiragana (which is like a year 7 thing... ==")

Not to be mean or anything, but it got really annoying in the activities when they didn't understand what we were saying.

Get this, they didn't know how to connect 'i' adjectives together. All four girls from different schools didn't know and only I knew. They ended up using 'de'. Fools. Ok so I'm being mean but I thought it was going to be nice having people the same as us. I mean, they were year 10s too.

Reading was the funnest because the group was the most talkativest one. Included, me, Belle, girl from Danebank, two girls from Blakehurst (one went to Beverly Hills and knows Theresa =D) and one guy from Blakehurst who didn't say a fuck so we just ignored him back. But they were nicest.

The rest of the day was just awkwardness. I swear, we may have bonded at first, but this just caused more divisions between schools because of our different levels =__= I swear, we were bitching about them, and they were probably bitching about us.

Levels of schools I know in order from smartest in Japanese to dumbest.
Us and NSG
MLC and Danebank
Not sure about other schools but this is all I can remember. Roughly.

Oh but there were lots of cute guys in Blakehurst; nice pale, black haired cute guys. But they were all hanging around girls so = Lots of short guys there too though.

I never knew so many white people did Jap. No offence. But the number ratio was bigger than I expected.

P.S. USYD was not as pretty as I thought it'd be. Not enough pretty buildings to override the ugly buildings. Or maybe I just haven't been everywhere. Very American high school like actually. I wish we went to that quad where Soompi Sydney Photographers went. Damn

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