Ugly people, pretty photos

4:34 PM, Monday, Apr. 20, 2009

Quote of today.

Me and Eatrend and a bit of mum were talking about people in school who think they're real good but aren't and its obvious? Like people that are too socially retarded NO OFFENCE.

Mum: hey you shouldn't discriminate on people, just cause their ugly. You know alot of people have small eyes, fat heads, etc.
Eatrend: ...yeah i know, but he's just too ugly

Made me crack up. Lol.


Eatrend already knows some person who acts like he's the shit. Like, not jocks (even though they're the most hateful people EVER), but others...

Whale (gay person) has one friend-ish person: Jason. Jason, like most people, can't say no and is too nice, but his friends (Eatrend's group) all are like.... yeah. So on the train,
Whale: Bye Jason
Jason: ...bye...
Eatrend and friends: *makes WTF gestures and faces*



I know its incredibly mean, and some of those people are actually pretty cool at times. Just, overall? The image they produce?

Like, it's kinda like, stop acting like you're the shit, and be yourself and then maybe people will like you for who you really are. Don't let your freaking pride distort into your mind and block people and stuff.

I know, "popular" people have like, no pride, when it comes to... meeting people? I guess. Because, they just say anything to keep he conversation going, and then BAM they're friends.

It's like, compare these types of people when they meet someone new.

Persons: Hey
Pride annoying shitters: Hey
Persons: ...
Pride annoying shitters: *thinking: ew look at that person, nice clothes, much be popular, must be not my type.*


Like, popular people, but think opposite?

Social groups are screwed

That's why I like mine =]


Anyway, this is what I did on photoshop today. It's way better than the original, if I do say so myself xD It's from camp, Sandra, Joanna and me. Karen took it (duh). Beach scene.

The coffee stains are a bit excessive but I got excited and i just HAD to add in some brushes of some sort xD

I think it'd be pretty good for a stock picture, IF we were wearing better clothes/had better poses. LOL. I guess there is more to stock pictures then ordinary people.

You need to find things that work. Things that say something. Things that speak without words. Lol. Deep.

Anyway, i think I'm one more step closer to better photography xD

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